Alhamdulillah, I had fun having an Iftar with the girls last two days! Seriously, it feels great meeting up old friends again after been seperated into different world, different universities or different ways of life after school I could say. Big thanks to Khalida Hussin who suggested to buka puasa together since it was a public holiday kan, Nuzul Quran. So basically, the UIA people suggested to go to Mid Valley, which is quite far from Puncak Alam but its okay, others could just have to agree cause we were dying to meet up, haha!
At first, Azfarina planned to go by car. So, transportation dia yang handle and everything seemed settled except that what time do we have to gerak from here? Most of us habis class at 6, so nak taknak we have to gerak by 6.30. Can you guys imagine macam mana gilanya Az bawa kereta? Thank God, tak kena speedtrap. But then, rocking with the girls in the car like nobody cares was the best part, no doubt! Common things to do when the girls meet up, I mean the sspians in Puncak Alam, you know what it is, GOSSIPSSSSSS! Gossip-ing all the way was fun fun fun! Alhamdulillah, we managed to arrive there by 7.45 pm. Sampai sampai je semua dah ada, so now let the pictures speak,
Upon arriving, Puncak Alam people were a bit late, yeah LIKE A BOSS!
Hanie Farhana, shes pretty right?
The lovely people of Hermanas,
But then we just had 10 minutes left for Maghrib prayer, so apa lagi, gelojoh gila makan *even dapat makan 2 slices of pizza je* then we went to surau. Baru bajet nak sambung makan after that, but then sampai sampai semua dah kemas. How sad! So, me and Naba decided to go to the food court for dinner. We left Mid at 10.15 pm and arrived UiTM at 11.45 pm. Okay looks like we took a long time to arrive Palam right? Sebenarnya dah sampai Palam at 11.15, but then EE kata, alang alang lambat so biar la lambat terus. EE is a new friend of mine. So we lepak at Mcd Palam till 11.45 pm and bought some foods for sahur! Then we rushed back to Palam, nasib baik pakcik polis superbaik that night. Lepassss! That night was awesome, m feeling lucky enough to have friends like Hermanas and Puncak Alam people! I do love you guys! Loves,